Third Parties and HealthPlans

CMS projected that by 2028, health care spending would reach $6.19 trillion and would account for 19.7% of GDP, up from 17.7% in 2018. The exponential growth of the expenditure is overwhelming the health system.

After a licensed pharmacist completes the professional-patient encounter, all encounters will be evaluated and authenticated to ensure all the required elements are fulfilled; then, Providers are communicated via clinical templates generated by our software, where clinical suggestions are provided in a friendly and professional manner. These encounters are reported to the health plans and submitted with supporting documents.

Pharmacist Communicate with Patients, via an internal communication system in portal.

Medication reconciliation and counselling are done.

Encounter recorded and documented.

Template generated and sent to patient

Suggestions and Clinical interventions are Validated and Submitted to Prescribers

Documents are submitted to health plans

We work with every patient and we integrate them in their care process so we make them more engaged in the care process. AVION transforms patients to be part of the solution, not the problem.

Medication adherence is a complex behavior influenced by factors along the continuum of care, relating to the patient, providers, and health systems. Patient-related factors include

unintentional factors, which often worsen with increasingly complex medication regimens (e.g., forgetting to take medication or obtain refills, or inadequate understanding of dose or schedules);

intentional factors (e.g., active decision to stop or modify a treatment regimen based on ability to pay, beliefs and attitudes about their disease, medication side effects, and expectations for improvement).

Additional patient-related barriers include lack of engagement in treatment decisions, impaired cognition (e.g., related to aging or disease), substance abuse, depression, and other mental health conditions.

AVION Health Science is striving to control those patient’s specific factors to ensure a successful patient care process. Via our interactive and friendly user patient interaction system we work on these factors and we mitigate them.

Other factors where AVION work in order to fulfil successful care process

Provider-related factors include barriers to communicating with patients and their caregivers, complex dosing regimens, and limited coordination of care among multiple providers.

Health care system and service delivery factors include limited access to an appropriate provider for prescriptions or refills, restricted drug coverage, high costs and copayments, unclear medication labeling and instructions, limited availability of culturally appropriate patient education materials, and inadequate provider time to review benefits, risks, and alternatives to prescribed medications.

One of the points where AVION is keeping a closed monitoring is Medication Non-Adherence. Drug therapy problems present a serious issue in healthcare in the United States. Industry estimates suggest total costs of unnecessary medical expenditures resulting from medication non-adherence to be approximately $300 billion, which represents more than 30% of the total waste (excluding fraud and abuse) in the healthcare system.